Have another 4-H chick sale you want to promote? Share your details in the comments below.
Flickr photo by ccarlstead |
Saturday, March 9th
Saturday, April 27th
from 10am to 11:30am
Sam's Downtown Feed and Pet Supply Store
759 W San Carlos, San Jose
What breeds?
- Buff Orpingtons
- Rhode Island Reds
- Americaunas
- Golden-Laced Wyandottes
- Black Austrolorps
- Light Brahmas (March only)
- White Leghorns (April only)
$5.00 per chick
To reserve chicks, you may contact us at 4hpoultryproject [at] gmail [dot] com. Pre-order forms also can be found at Sam's Feed. We strongly recommend doing so--they go pretty fast on sale day! The deadline for forms is Feb. 28th.
The chicks will be ten days old at the sale date. They are sexed at the hatchery and vaccinated for Merek's disease.
Any questions? 4hpoultryproject [at] gmail [dot] com
Thanks for supporting 4-H!