Thursday, November 20, 2008

Are you an urban chicken expert?

I discovered, through the mundane-yet-critical-task of looking at the web stats for this blog that I've been outed as an expert on Urban Chickens over on "The Blogger's Secret" a blog written by Edward Vielmetti (you may know him from another blog: Vacuum).

Of course, I'm honored to be on the short list of "here's how to become an expert in a niche topic" but I also want it on the record that I'm nowhere near the smartest one around on the subject of raising chickens.

Just take a look at the blog roll and the comments to see where the great advice really comes from.

I've just been the lucky one to blog what I've learned from you all.

Thanks, everyone, for making such a great resource!


The Three Little Bears said...

ooh, I am envious. I want to be a urban chicken expert!

Sweet Bird said...

I know I'm lovin your site! I can't wait till my husband and I live somewhere longer than 18 months so I can finally get me some chicks!

Jane said...

Hi! We're not urban chicken experts, but we have our own blog, Plain Old Chickens. We're happy to discover this one! We raise chickens in our backyard, here in a small N. E. Oregon town, after almost having moved to San Mateo, where we planned to raise chickens in a backyard there. We may still end up there, who knows. Nice to know you and other Bay Area chicken farmers are out there! - Jane, Amri, & Gwynne

TK said...

welcome to the blog, everyone (can I call you my fellow experts now? of course!) Jane, thanks for sharing your POC blog. I'm happy to add you to the Blog Egg Roll.


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