Sunday, March 30, 2008

Deconstructing Dinner: urban chickens on the radio

The syndicated radio show Deconstructing Dinner has recently broadcast a great (first) show about Backyard Chickens as part of their Farming in the City series.

In this DD show, the producers have featured four segments recorded by Bucky Bacaw and his Backyard Chicken Broadcast on RadioBoise in Boise, Idaho. The segments are targeted at the newbie urban chicken farmer and do a great job covering all the basic necessities for going from empty backyard to urban chicken haven in a very straight-forward and accessible way. He even covers some basic chicken health issues to take into consideration if you're going to make the plunge.

I really enjoyed listening to Bucky's segments. Moreover, I was amused to see that Bucky recently won an Eglu coop -- like ours -- at the Good Food Now! conference in NYC last December. He'll be talking about the Eglu in episode six. I still can't tell exactly what episode we're on, but as soon as I can get the info, I'll link to it here.

If any Urban Chickens readers have any questions or stories to share with Bucky, please drop him an email at bucky|at|

It'll be great to see more and more folks reached across all kinds of media (blogs, radio, tv, paper) so we get more chickens in backyards across North America!


Pete "Doctor Doolittle" Thomason said...

Come visit to see a slideshow or our new baby goats too. Our 1/10th acre urban micro eco-farm in Ypsilanti, Michigan (next-door to Ann Arbor)is now home to 44 chickens, 6 dairy goats, and 11 Lionhead rabbits. Isn't it fun?


Another great resource for urban chicken keepers is a DVD available at It shows everything you need to know about keeping chickens in the backyard.
Cheers for chickens!

Jenny Robertson said...

I've heard that you live near Santa Clara county. If that's true, please consider yourself invited to join SVChickens, the Yahoo group for chicken owners and aspiring owners in Silicon Valley. It's a fairly quiet group so far. But, we've had a few group coop tours, and would love your company.

Just send mail to

Jenny (the starter)

Unknown said...

Hi Jenny, I do live just north of Santa Clara County in Redwood City (used to live in Campbell). Happy to join the SVChickens group... and I invite you to join the Urban Chickens Facebook fan club, too!

strontium-90 said...

I'm the producer of Bucky Buckaw's Backyard Chicken Broadcast, and Jon from Decontructing Dinner told me about your blog. Thanks for the mention! To answer your question, if you want to hear episode 6 about the Eglu (or any in the current season as they become available), you can download them from the A-Infos Radio Project page (just search by show in the B section and look for "Backyard Chicken Broadcast"). (The server gets overloaded during business hours and chances are you won't get through at all. But if you try first thing in the morning or in the evening, you'll access the site just fine.)

It's great to see so many chickeners gathering on this site!

Gwen Sanchirico

Unknown said...

Thanks for stopping by, Gwen!

Keep up the great work with the show, and I'll try to keep my downloading limited to after hours.

Unknown said...

Hi there,
we're new Redwood City chicken farmers, too! our daughter has used your site to help convince her dad that we should get chickens...and after all the research and convincing, my husband is putting the finishing touches on our coop today and the girls are free-ranging in the back. we're really near john gill school, too so we must be neighbors.
thanks so much for all your help and insight!

Unknown said...

Megan, that's great news! Congrats on getting your own chooks. I'll step outside and see if I can hear them in the distance (we're on the Harrison Ave hill). I know there's at least one more set of backyard chickens a few doors down. Maybe we can get them all together for a play date? :^)

Pete "Doctor Doolittle" Thomason said...

Follow the link to the Ann Arbor news for the latest on urban livestock.


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