Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Urban Chickens in the SF Examiner

On Sunday, we hosted Michael Procopio, SF Food Examiner, here at the house to show him around our yard and share with him our experience raising chickens in Redwood City. He took lots of photos (he's much better than I in that department, witness his picture shown on this post) and asked all the right questions and wrote up his experience getting to know the girls.

I'm pleased to share with you the story he wrote about his experience. It's been posted to the SF Examiner web site as Urban Chickens: Do-it-yourself hen party.

My favorite section of the article is the one we weren't around to witness: Michael's experience eating the hours-old egg we'd given him as a sample.

There was very little I wished to do other than eat it. But how? A light scramble, with just a little butter in the pan and a slight sprinkling of sea salt when it hit the plate. I cooked up a store-bought (though still organic) egg exactly the same way and compared the two. Everything about the ür-fresh egg was richer-- the color of the yolk, the flavor, and the feel on the tongue. The store-bought egg was still good, but... you know where I am going with this, surely.

The thought of returning to my tiny, chicken-free apartment suddenly depressed me a little. Then I took another swig of beer, another bite of scrambled egg, and moved on.

Here's hoping many others are inspired by Michael's words to join us in our urban chicken farming. What's stopping you from getting started?


Me2 said...

How great - congrats! Love the blog!

Linda said...

Congrats on the great article! Here's hoping that in a few years everyone with a yard will keep a few hens!


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