Thursday, July 24, 2008

Help Bring "Mad City Chickens" to San Francisco

As we all know (or at least we should know), the Documentary Mad City Chickens premiered at this year's Wisconsin Film Festival to much applause and acclaim. Wouldn't you like to see it yourself?

Now, the producers are submitting the film to other festivals throughout the country and the world. If you'd like to see the documentary screened at a festival near you, you'll need to provide a little help by expressing interest in the film to the Festival screening folks.

As you can imagine, I'm most interested in getting a screening of Mad City Chickens added to the San Francisco Documentary Festival which takes place October 10-23 here in SF.

Robert and the folks at Tarazod have already submitted the film for consideration (deadline was earlier this month).

UPDATE: Turns out the festival folks aren't interested in hearing from us as they think it's something that Tarazod's put us up to. (see YL's comment below) So, thinking it might actually hurt MCC's chances of getting here to SF, please don't contact the festival folks.

I'm so disappointed to see it's such an opaque selection process.

In the meantime, any other folks know of a grassroots way to help get the film in?

so now it's up to us to help convince the judges to include MCC in the lineup.

A film's chances of getting in to any festival are helped if folks express a strong interest in seeing it, and I'd encourage you to join me in expressing such interest.

Below is the email I've sent to the kind folks running the festival (at and I invite you to cut-n-paste it into your own email program to send along in support (bolded bits should be replaced with your own personal details):

Dear Festival Coordinator,

I've learned that the documentary Mad City Chickens has been submitted for inclusion in the San Francisco Documentary Festival. As an owner/enthusiast of urban chickens here in Redwood City just south of you, I'd love to be able to see a screening of the film here in SF.

As reported in the SF Examiner and in the SF Chronicle, there are quite a few of us in the Bay Area who have chickens in our backyard, so I'm sure the showing would sell out quickly if you did screen Mad City Chickens.

Thanks for your consideration, please let me know if there's anything else I can do to help your decision.

Best Regards,
Thomas Kriese

Even if you're not in the Bay Area, can you help us out by sending your own note to If we're successful in getting it added to the Festival, I'll buy the popcorn for every urbanchickens reader who joins me at the screening.

Thanks, in advance, for your help. And keep your fingers crossed!


Jennifer said...

I emailed the festival! I also mentioned they'd get tons of attendance from the 100+ members in the Yahoo! Group for Silicon Valley chicken owners.



TK said...

Jen, you're a rock star! Thanks for helping spread the word.

BTW... when's the next in-person meeting of the Yahoo! group? Is there one? You can contact me at urbanchickensblog [at] gmail dot com.

yl said...

Ok, we shouldn't contact them. They are annoyed by the emails:

From the festival:
"Ok, this is the third email I've received about this in the past two days.
Please ask the filmmaker to knock it off. This does not improve their chances of getting selected. We don't need our inbox filled with these emails."


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