Monday, July 28, 2008

on chickens crossing the road

Rediscovered this photo I took while at the Newseum in Washington, DC, last month (click to see the full picture).

all about the chickens

EDITORS NOTE: My posts will likely be slowing over the next couple weeks as we go on our longest vacation ever, a road trip up to Banff National Park in Alberta, Canada. I'll have my c and laptop with me so you can rest assured I'll be posting to my Flickr stream.

I'll do my best to share any chicken-related adventures here in the blog, too. Until then, may you be flooded in eggs!

(and wish our chicken-sitter luck!)

1 comment:

Kateri said...

Enjoy your trip to the Canadian Rockies! They are one of my favorite places in the world. So much incredible beauty all concentrated into one place!


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